Reflections on Cambodia, Buddhism and Music

Friday, August 19, 2005

Greetings from Phnom Penh!

It has been an exhilarating first couple of days in Cambodia. I have met lots of new and wonderful people, reconnected with friends, and been to a variety of places. The weather has been equally dramatic, alternating between sweltering heat and torrential rain. I haven't gotten sick yet, but i am somewhat prepared for that. I'm now living where I will likely be for the next month or so. It's an apartment on the 4th floor of a building across the street from a famous wat:
Saffron-robed monks can be seen on the sidewalke and the grounds of the temple.

Phnom Penh is a beautiful city, with wide, tree-;oned boulevards and few, if any, tall buildings. There are several rivers that cut through the city as well as several lakes. There are also many wats and other cultural landmarks in the vicinity. I definitely feel like I am a completely different country than Vietnam.

I am basically hanging out with Parker all day for the next few days as he helps orient me to the city, the culture and the work that Cambodian Living Arts (CLA) does. It has not yet dawned on me that I am staying here long-term, but I am slowly getting the hang of it.

1 comment:

Ryan Kellett said...

I must say I am really enjoying the blog. Pictures are great...

So, here's to hearing from me...(as per your request for avid readers...)