Reflections on Cambodia, Buddhism and Music

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Change in Pace

Things have gotten a lot busier recently. Yesterday, using my new motorcycle helmet (below),

Parker, Beau and I went to visit the Buddhist Institute. The library they have is a fantastic place to study and do research, and I have inquired as to whether classes are available and if I might find support for my project there. The building itself is quite handsome, although there is a gigantic casino located right next door.

Today, I a m going to visit four masters in CLA's program and then head over to the studio to help out with the recording session. Yesterday, when meeting with Yun Theara, the Cambodian multi-instrumentalist and professor of the Royal University of Fine Arts, it looked like I would have to play bass on the album, but fortunately it looks like my role will be to take pictures for the liner notes. I'll try to report back after today.

1 comment:

Ryan Kellett said...

Phew...almost thought you would have to pull a Chris Crawford there with the bass.