Reflections on Cambodia, Buddhism and Music

Friday, February 10, 2006

Last post for a few months

Although I cannot say that I have been regularly updating this blog, this post indeed will be the last one for a while. On Monday, I am ordaining as a novice monk at Wat Rajabo, Siem Reap Province, and will most likely disrobe in late June. I do not plan on using a computer regularly during this time, though the occasion may present itself. I will also check my email tomorrow. I feel very fortunate that I have this time to concentrate on looking inside.

May you and all beings be filled with loving-kindness, peace, well-being and happiness.


Ryan Kellett said...

My best thoughts and wishes go out to you, Trent. I know you will make great discoveries while in the monkhood. May you return from your journies of the heart with a further power to reach people.

And so be my wishes to you sent around the world.


alex said...

Happy Birthday Trent! Hope all is well over in Cambodia and the best of luck. Love, Alex.